Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sad news in Vancouver/Nova Scotia Farming

Over the last few weeks there haven't been many people showing up to the FNB servings in Vancouver. Sometimes there haven't even been enough people to do a serving. This sucks!

Hopefully things will start up again as a huge influx of people will start showing up and they can start having awesome servings again.

If you want to stay up to date on what's going on with Vancouver Food Not Bombs, you can subscribe to the mailing list.

The mailing list will also let you know about other servings you can participate in if you cannot make it on Saturday's.

In other news, my trans-Canada trip has brought me to Nova Scotia. I didn't get to go to any FNB servings in the last week, as I was visiting my friend's farm. That was a lot of fun, and we harvested melons, pumpkins, potatoes, carrots, onions, cucumbers, beans, and other things I don't remember. They were delicious!

I'm back in Halifax now, so I should be checking out the serving on Sunday!

I'm continuing to give out copies of the Sugar and Slugs/Snails and Spice (the Vancouver FNB cooking zine) wherever I go. I've made the banana cupcake recipe from the zine a couple of times and people really like it! You should try making it for some friends.

I'm going to drop some zines off at the Anchor Archive Zine Library here in Halifax. My friend Alex Wrekk, who I met at the Portland Zine Symposium a few months ago, is going to be their zinester in residence next month.

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